Kevy: If you turn to your left and walk down the steps from the city square into the pend leading to Castle Street you’ll notice the green, orange and taupe tiles that adorn the walls. This is in fact the last remaining glimpse of Dundee’s underground train system or what was known locally as the ‘Dunderground’.
Anna: There were initially plans to connect all the suburbs of Dundee with the proposed network, but as Dundonians love to walk, there was very little appetite for the Dunderground and work petered out. Castle Street here does have the remains of a castle tunnels buried under it, and the cafe here Madigan’s Food Emporium has an access point, these tunnels were the ones that were to form the start of the Dunderground Metro system.
Kevy: Walk down castle street and you’ll see wedged inbetween two buildings an ornate doorway and window with the name Stewart above it. This was Stewart & Son, established in 1831 as a whisky blenders, creators of the Cream of Barley whisky blend. It is now a cat hairdressers.